Cathy was a young performing arts student when she walked into the gym and was persuaded to try out this totally 'new' class called Pilates. She got hooked from Day One! Pilates helped with the physical demands of performing and raising two children. In 2004 she became a Pilates Foundation trained teacher, studying with some of the most renowned teachers in the UK and abroad. She loves helping people discover the life-changing benefits of Pilates. Cathy is on the teacher register of The Society For The Pilates Method, and has also trained in Pre & Postnatal Pilates with Mamas Pilates, in Pilates Studio Equipment with Rachel Rafiefar of The Thoughtful Body and with Pilates Tree Studios in London, and has benefitted form professional development with 1st and 2nd generation Pilates teachers from the Uk, US, and Europe.
Mark started teaching in 2016 after studying with BASI Pilates (Body Arts and Sciences International). His dynamic approach brings classes that are contemporary yet faithful to the original Pilates method.
Cathy & Mark help busy people stay strong and flexible so they can do the things they love. They are committed to offering the same quality and dedication to teaching Pilates that they themselves were fortunate enough to experience.
Pilates is named after its founder, Joseph Pilates, who started developing his method in the 1900's, eventually opening an exercise studio with his wife Clara after moving to NYC in the 1920's. Joe and Clara taught many prominent dancers and choreographers as their work became widely sought after. The Pilates method has been passed down by Joe's proteges, among them Eve Gentry, Kathy Grant, Romana Kryzanowska, Ron Fletcher, Carola Trier, who have passed down the work over the years. Pilates was brought to the UK in the 1970's by Alan Herdman. Still popular today with dancers and athletes, it is enjoyed by millions of people worldwide. Pilates offers something for everyone from beginner to advanced.